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By: Ian A. Reid PhD

  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco


While banking crises have occurred over centuries and exhibited some common patterns buy 20mg levitra oral jelly free shipping erectile dysfunction causes anxiety, their timing remains empirically hard to discount levitra oral jelly line erectile dysfunction medication insurance coverage pin down generic levitra oral jelly 20mg with mastercard erectile dysfunction testosterone injections. Bank Runs and Banking Crises Financial institutions are inherently fragile entities, giving rise to many possible coordination problems. Because of their roles in maturity transformation and liquidity creation, financial institutions operate with highly leveraged balance sheets. Hence, banking, and other similar forms of financial intermediation, can be precarious undertakings. Fragility makes coordination, or lack thereof, a major challenge in financial markets. Coordination problems arise when investors and/or institutions take actions � like withdrawing liquidity or capital � merely out of fear that others also take similar actions. Given this fragility, a crisis can easily take place, where large amounts of liquidity or capital are withdrawn because of a self fulfilling belief � it happens because investors fear it will happen. Small shocks, whether real or financial, can translate into turmoil in markets and even a financial crisis. A run occurs when a large number of customers withdraw their deposits because they believe the bank is, or might become, insolvent. As a bank run proceeds, it generates its own momentum, leading to a self fulfilling prophecy (or perverse feedback loop): as more people withdraw their deposits, the likelihood of default increases, and this encourages further withdrawals. This can destabilize the bank to the point where it faces bankruptcy as it cannot liquidate assets fast enough to cover its short-term liabilities. These fragilities have long been recognized, and markets, institutions, and policy makers have developed many �coping� mechanisms (see further Dewatripoint and Tirole, 1994). At the firm level, intermediaries have adopted risk management strategies to reduce their fragility. Deposit insurance can eliminate concerns of small depositors and can help reduce coordination problems. Policy interventions by public sector, such as public guarantees, capital support and purchases of non-performing assets, can mitigate systemic risk when financial turmoil hits. Although regulation and safety net measures can help, when poorly designed or implemented they can increase the likelihood of a banking crisis. Regulations aim to reduce fragilities (for example, limits on balance sheet mismatches stemming from interest rate, exchange rate, maturity mismatches, or certain activities of financial institutions). Regulation (and supervision), however, often finds itself playing catch up with innovation. Support from the public sector can also have distortionary effects (see further Barth, Caprio and Levine, 2006). Institutions that know they are too big to fail or unwind, can take excessive 15 risks, thereby creating systemic vulnerabilities. More generally, fragilities in the banking system can arise because of policies at both micro and macro levels (Laeven, 2011). Only with the introduction of deposit insurance in 1933, did most runs stop in the U. Wide-spread runs also happened frequently in emerging markets and developing countries in recent decades, such as in Indonesia during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Runs occurred more rarely in other advanced countries, and even less so in recent decades, in part due to the wide spread availability of deposit 16 insurance. Rapid withdrawals of wholesale market funding also took place during the recent financial crisis, when several investment and some commercial banks faced large liquidity demands from investors. While deposit insurance can reduce the risk of bank runs, it can have severe negative side effects, including increased moral hazard, leading to more risk taking. This �run�, in turn, led the government to provide a guarantee against further declines. These guarantees constitute a continued source of fiscal risk as the government might be forced to step in to prevent a run again. Other investment vehicles specializing in specific asset classes (such as emerging markets) also experienced sharp outflows as there was a general �flight to safety�.

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The fractional binding site occupancy of a molecular species, or exp(-E /k T) where k = 8. For experimental mechanosynthesis work, see: Sugimoto Y, Pou P, Custance O, Jelinek P, Abe M, Perez R, Morita S. Complex Patterning by Vertical Interchange Atom Manipulation Using Atomic Force Microscopy. A second generation force field for the simulation of proteins, nucleic acids, and organic molecules. Atmospheric Fractional Amber99 Binding Energy % Concentration Molecular Atmospheric of Molecular Component of Air Component Component Concentration in Simple Binding Site in Gas Filtrate (fair) (Eb) Nitrogen (N) 7. This manual is a practical guide, for use by laboratory workers in health centres and district hospitals, to the procedures to be followed in obtaining specimens, isolating and identifying bacteria, and assessing their resistance to antibiotics. These books are closely tied to the Organization�s priority activities, encompassing disease prevention and control, the development of equitable health systems based on primary health care,and health promotion for individuals and communities. Basic laboratory procedures in clinical bacteriology A Basic laboratory procedures in clinical bacteriology Second edition J. Verhaegen Department of Microbiology St Rafael Academic Hospital Leuven, Belgium K. Engbaek Department of Clinical Microbiology University of Copenhagen Herlev Hospital Herlev, Denmark P. Rohner Department of Clinical Microbiology Cantonal University Hospital Geneva, Switzerland P. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from Marketing and Dissemination, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel: +41 22 791 2476; fax: +41 22 791 4857; email: bookorders@who. The World Health Organization does not warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete and correct and shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of its use. The laboratories that are involved in this scheme are able to play a leading role in the implementation of national quality assessment schemes at all levels of the health care system. The information included is intended to lead to harmonization of microbio logical investigations and susceptibility testing, and to improve the quality of laboratories at both central and intermediate levels. According to the world health 1 report, acute diarrhoea is responsible for as many as 2. Acute respiratory infections (primarily pneumonia) are another impor tant cause of death, resulting in an estimated 4 million deaths each year. Analysis of data on lung aspirates appears to indicate that, in developing countries, bacteria such as Haemophilus in uenzae and Streptococcus pneumo niae, rather than viruses, are the predominant pathogens in childhood pneu monia. There are still threats of epidemics and pandemics of viral or bacterial origin, made more likely by inadequate epidemiological surveillance and de cient preventive measures. To prevent and control the main bacterial diseases, there is a need to develop simple tools for use in epidemiological surveillance and disease monitoring, as well as simpli ed and reliable diagnostic techniques. To meet the challenge that this situation represents, the health laboratory ser vices must be based on a network of laboratories carrying out microbiologi cal diagnostic work for health centres, hospital doctors, and epidemiologists. The complexity of the work will increase from the peripheral to the inter mediate and central laboratories. Only in this way will it be possible to gather, quickly enough, suf cient relevant information to improve surveillance, and permit the early recognition of epidemics or unusual infections and the devel opment, application, and evaluation of speci c intervention measures. A 1 Quality assurance in bacteriology Introduction Quality assurance programmes are an ef cient way of maintaining the standards of performance of diagnostic laboratories, and of upgrading those standards where necessary. In microbiology, quality goes beyond technical perfection to take into account the speed, cost, and usefulness or clinical relevance of the test. Laboratory tests in general are expensive and, with progress in medicine, they tend to use up an increasing proportion of the health budget. De nitions To be of good quality, a diagnostic test must be clinically relevant, i. Other measures of quality in a diagnostic test are: � Reliability: Is the result correct. Factors that affect the reliability and reproducibility of laboratory results Sources of error may include the following: � Personnel.

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Opioid analgesics are used for severe pain relief such as in terminal care, the eyelids. The condition can be fatal if not as cough suppressants and to reduce gut mo treated. The body is assumed to wall of the aorta, �aortic aneurysm�, and is of be standing, with the feet together, the arms to ten due to atherosclerosis, and sometimes to the side, and the head, eyes and palms facing syphilis. Also called acute glaucoma the organs show up clearly on the film angular stomatitis angiodysplasia angular stomatitis / &j l st m angiodysplasia / nd i d s ple zi / ta t s/ noun a condition of the lips, mouth and noun a condition where the blood vessels in the cheeks characterised by cracks and fissures colon dilate, resulting in loss of blood and caused by a bacterial infection angiogenesis angular vein angiogenesis / nd i d en s s/ noun angular vein / &j l ve n/ noun a vein the formation of new blood vessels. Also called prenatal di which will not aggravate an allergy agnosis antiarrhythmic antepartum antiarrhythmic / ntie r m k/ adjective antepartum / nti p t m/ noun the period referring to a drug which corrects an irregular of three months before childbirth i adjective heartbeat referring to the three months before childbirth antiasthmatic antepartum haemorrhage antiasthmatic / nti s m t k/ adjective antepartum haemorrhage / ntip t m referring to a drug that is used to treat asthma hem r d / noun bleeding from the vagina be antibacterial antibacterial / ntib k t ri l/ adjective fore labour. Oppo antibiogram / nti ba &r m/ noun a labo site posterior ratory technique which establishes to what de anterior aspect anterior aspect / n t ri spekt/ noun a gree an organism is sensitive to an antibiotic view of the front of the body, or of the front of antibiotic antibiotic / ntiba t k/ adjective stopping part of the body. Antibi which is in front of the iris otics have no effect against viral diseases. Al anterior jugular though antibiotics are widely and successfully anterior jugular / n t ri d "&j l / noun used, new forms of bacteria have developed a small jugular vein in the neck which are resistant to them. Also called external stimulated by the body to produce foreign sub nares stances such as bacteria, as part of an immune anterior superior iliac spine anterior superior iliac spine / n t ri reaction Tests showed that he had antibodies s p ri li k spa n/ noun a projection at in his blood. It causes noun a drug which slows down or stops the pustules on the skin or in the lungs, �woolsort clotting of blood, used to prevent the forma er�s disease�. Examples are tri worm cyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin re antihistamine antihistamine / nti h st mi n/ noun a uptake inhibitors and monoamine oxidase in drug used to control the effects of an allergy hibitors. Also called vasopressin acting against microorganisms that cause dis antidote ease antidote / nt d t/ noun a substance which antimigraine counteracts the effect of a poison There is no antimigraine / nti ma &re n/ noun a drug satisfactory antidote to cyanide. Isoniazid or rifampicin body, which sends blood containing oxygen antitussive antitussive / nti t"s v/ noun a drug used from the heart to other blood vessels around to reduce coughing the body. It leaves the left ventricle, rises where fects of a particular venom from a snake or in the carotid arteries branch off, then goes sect bite downwards through the abdomen and divides antiviral into the two iliac arteries. The aorta is the antiviral / nti va r l/ adjective referring to blood vessel which carries all arterial blood a drug or treatment which stops or reduces the from the heart. Full form ante apical prandium apical / p kl/ adjective situated at the top apathetic or tip of something apathetic / p et k/ adjective referring to apical abscess a person who takes no interest in anything apical abscess / p kl bses/ noun an apathy abscess in the socket around the root of a tooth apathy / p i/ noun the condition of not be apicectomy ing interested in anything, or of not wanting to apicectomy / p sekt mi/ noun the surgi do anything cal removal of the root of a tooth aperient aplasia aperient / p ri nt/ noun a substance which aplasia /e ple zi / noun a lack of growth of causes a bowel movement. Compare axial which are linked with increased risk of Alzhe skeleton imer�s disease. The blood sample was test for applying a substance appointment ed in a special piece of apparatus. Acute when carrying out an operation appendicitis usually requires urgent surgery. The symptoms are very oily skin arachnoid / r kn d/ noun the middle of 2 the three membranes covering the brain. Lift your arms up above your arachnoid mater / r kn d me t /, arach noid membrane / r kn d membre n/ noun head. Also called axilla arbor vitae arm sling arbor vitae / b va ti / noun the structure arm sling / m sl / noun a support for an of the cerebellum or of the uterus which looks injured arm that prevents it from moving by ty like a tree ing it against the chest arbovirus Arnold-Chiari malformation arbovirus/ b va r s/ noun a virus trans Arnold-Chiari malformation / n ld ki mitted by blood-sucking insects e ri m lf me n/ noun a congenital arc arc / k/ noun 1. The arterial arrhythmic system begins with the aorta which leaves the arrhythmic / r m k/ adjective (of a heart beat or breathing) rhythmically irregular. It is now recog articular facet / t kj l f s t/ noun the nised that asbestos dust can cause many lung point at which a rib articulates with the spine diseases, leading in some cases to forms of articular process cancer. Compare antiseptic aseptic technique hook, so releasing the amniotic fluid aseptic technique /e sept k tek ni ks/ artificial ventilation noun a method of doing something using ster artificial ventilation / t f l vent le n/ noun breathing which is assisted or ilised equipment asexual controlled by a machine asexual /e sek u l/ adjective not sexual, not arytenoid involving sexual intercourse arytenoid / r ti n d/ adjective located at asexual reproduction the back of the larynx asexual reproduction /e sek l ri pr arytenoid cartilage d"k n/ noun reproduction of a cell by arytenoid cartilage / r ti n d k t l d / noun a small cartilage at the back of the larynx cloning arytenoidectomy Asian flu arytenoidectomy / r ti n d ekt mi/ Asian flu / e n flu / noun flu -asis noun an operation to remove the arytenoid car -asis / s s/ -iasis tilage asleep asbestosis asleep / sli p/ adjective sleeping the pa asbestosis / sbe st s s/ noun a disease tient is asleep and must not be disturbed. Also sleeping deeply called acetylsalicylic acid asparagine assay asparagine / sp r d i n/ noun an amino assay / se, se / noun the testing of a sub acid stance. It is used in the assistant assistant / s stnt/ noun a person who diagnosis of liver disease and heart attacks. After Hans the suicide of someone who is terminally ill Asperger (1906�80), Austrian psychiatrist. Also called tinea pedis asymptomatic atlas asymptomatic / e s mpt m t k/ adjective atlas / tl s/ noun the top vertebra in the not showing any symptoms of disease spine, which supports the skull and pivots on asynclitism asynclitism / s kl t zm/ noun in child the axis or second vertebra birth, a situation in which the head of the baby atmospheric pressure atmospheric pressure / tm sfer k enters the vagina at an angle pre / noun the pressure of the air on the sur asynergia asynergia /s n!. Also called nebuliser atonic worrying atonic /e t n k/ adjective referring to lack of ataraxic muscle tone or tension ataraxic / t r ks k/ noun, adjective same atony as ataractic atony / t ni/ noun a lack of tone or tension ataxia in the muscles ataxia / t ksi / noun a failure of the brain to control movements atopen ataxic atopen / t pen/ noun an allergen which ataxic / t ks k/ adjective having ataxia, or causes an atopy relating to ataxia atopic ataxic gait atopic /e t p k/ adjective referring to condi ataxic gait / t ks k &e t/ noun a way of tions arising from an inherited tendency to re walking in which the person walks unsteadily act to specific allergens, as in hay fever, some due to a disorder of the nervous system skin conditions and asthma ataxy atopic eczema ataxy / t ksi/ noun same as ataxia atopic eczema /e t p k eks m /, atopic atelectasis dermatitis /e t p k d!.

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Identifying patients at risk for this prior to buy levitra oral jelly 20 mg amex erectile dysfunction protocol discount hemorrhage is far preferable order levitra oral jelly 20mg with mastercard doctor for erectile dysfunction in gurgaon, and a routine search for these findings should be undertaken at every office visit of any patient being followed for a process that can lead to buy levitra oral jelly 20 mg line erectile dysfunction daily medication cirrhosis (such as biliary atresia in the case presented). The bleeding is typically painless, as the vessels are superficial to the muscular layers and the erosion that starts the bleeding is therefore particularly shallow. The initial (or "herald") bleed may be surprisingly small as the vein rapidly collapses and clots, but the dislodgement of that clot can be followed by particularly voluminous bleeding. Those with cavernous transformation of the portal vein typically will create other intraabdominal shunts in locations which do not bleed so profusely if they can be carried into the second half of the first decade. A large-bore tube is recommended, as clots may need to be removed, and the orogastric (rather than nasogastric) route may facilitate evacuation. Gastric lavage with normal saline at body or room temperature is more comfortable. Icing of the saline is not required and in smaller patients, may produce significant hypothermia. Gastric sampling and lavage may be omitted if variceal bleeding is suspected and endoscopy is already planned, but the hemorrhaging patient typically otherwise deserves both procedures. In contrast, the patient whose bleeding is suspected as coming from a non intrinsic or otherwise low-risk source does not require immediate endoscopy. This would typically occur in patients who are bleeding from a deep ulcer in the duodenal bulb with sufficient pylorospasm to prevent any regurgitation of blood into the stomach. Radiographic contrast studies are dependent on identification of a moderate-sized ulcer crater, and lack sensitivity in identifying risks for rebleeding such as a visible vessel or adherent clot. Even varices are difficult to identify radiographically, and endoscopy offers the ability to intervene to reduce the risk of rebleeding via variceal band ligation or intravascular injection of a sclerosing agent. Likewise, ulcers and other lesions at significant risk for resumption of hemorrhage may be addressed thermally or chemically through the endoscope. Referral to an endoscopist (usually a gastroenterologist) facilitates diagnosis and treatment since treatment regimens which consist of a cimetidine, ranitidine, etc. Optimal therapeutic decision making for pediatric patients with peptic ulcer disease is best left to gastroenterologists who are most familiar with the most recent studies and recommendations. If endoscopy fails to identify the bleeding lesion, further investigation of the hemorrhaging patient includes radionuclide scanning and angiography. The toilet bowl seems filled with blood and clots, but the anus wipes clean with one swipe and no further blood is seen. In the office, the child is in no distress and wonders what all the fuss is about. His vital signs are normal for age, and physical examination shows no abnormalities, including external inspection of the anus with the child in the knee-chest position on his left side to enable full exposure of the anus down to the internal anal sphincter. The patient who presents with bleeding only from the anus produces a separate (but overlapping) diagnostic tree. As discussed in the patient who presents with hematemesis, the initial evaluation centers around rapid estimation of the volume of blood lost and the risk of ongoing or recurrent bleeding. In other respects, resembling ischemic injury in the older child or adult, the process in the neonate does more commonly include submucosal pneumatosis, implying compromise of the mucosal barrier. It usually presents with other signs of intestinal obstruction, partial or complete, and bleeding is typically one of the lesser findings, and is most Page 364 commonly occult. It presents more commonly in the severely premature, but can afflict term infants who have a preceding clinical problem that predisposes them to bowel ischemia (such as polycythemia or birth asphyxia). Allergic enteropathy is more typically a problem of the young infant, as the inflammatory process is acquired and requires time to set up. It typically presents before 2 months of age with either occult or gross bleeding, and typically is accompanied by failure to thrive and/or a moderate degree of mucus in the stool to suggest widespread mucosal irritation. In the latter, a Wright stain may be helpful only if it shows sheets of eosinophils, but a firm diagnosis rests on mucosal biopsy showing widespread nests of eosinophils in the submucosa rather than the scattered eosinophilia seen in more nonspecific inflammation. A clinical diagnosis may be made by rapid and complete resolution of the symptoms by elimination of the offending protein either by a return to exclusive breast feeding or substitution of a properly hydrolyzed formula. Personal experience suggests the quantity needed in the maternal diet is substantial, and typically lies outside routine dietary parameters, however maternal exclusion of dairy products may be undertaken in the case of stubbornly persistent (and typically low-grade) inflammation. If allergic enteropathy (gastroenteropathy or colitis) is encountered, firm exclusion of the offending protein is to be undertaken for the entire first year of life in hopes of eliminating the clone of sensitized lymphocytes.

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