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By: Ian A. Reid PhD

  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco

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On the atomic level, there are no differences between chemical composition of organic and inorganic matter. This is due to the fact that the Periodic System is based on purely physicochemical aspects [1]. As the author said, �Biological processes on the molecular level are frequently based on physical and chemical conditions However, these physical and chemical regularities are frequently modified in biological systems�. Markert is based on data on correlation analysis, physiological function of individual elements in the living organism, evolutional development out of the inorganic environment and with respect to their uptake by the living organism as a neutral molecule or charged ion. The desire to integrate the "organic" and "inorganic" approach in studying the biological role of chemical elements is observed in a number of fundamental works. Since 2003 we put forward and develop the concept of bioelements and bioelementology as an integrative scientific direction [3-7]. From our point of view, bioelement is the elemental functioning unit of living matter, which acts as a biologically active complex of chemical elements like atoms, ions and nanoparticles with organic compounds of exogenous (primary) or biogenous (secondary) origin. Bioelements include any chemical structures found in living nature, but which do not have a set of fundamental properties of living things: metabolism, variability, reproduction and heredity. Atoms, atomic nuclei, elementary particles and fields that bind them, which have independent significance at the physicochemical stage of evolution, after being included in biological molecules lose this self importance and play their role in the ensemble, called by us bioelement [4-5], where everything is interdependent, more complicated and at the same time more vulnerable to external influence. Afterwords 213 T a b l e 1 Classification of bioelements [5] C, H, N, O, P, S, Si, Ca (structural) K, Na, Ca, Cl, Mg (electrolytic) Simple Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Cr, Mo, Se*, Sn*, F*, I*, Ni*, V*, B** (enzymatic) H2O, O2, N2 etc. Nucleic acids (deoxyadenosine, deoxycytidine, deoxyguanosine, deoxythymidine, adenosine, cytidine, guanosine, uridine) Glycans (Fucose, galactose, glucose, glucuronic acid, mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, N acetylglucosamine, neuraminic acid, xylose, nononic acid, octulosonic acid, arabinose, arabinofuranose, colitose, fructose, galactofuranose, galacturonic acid, Primary glucolactilic acid, heptose, legionaminic acid, mannuronic acid, N-acetylfucosamine, N acetylgalacturonic acid, N-acetylmannosamine, N Complex acetylmannosaminuronic acid, N-acetylmuramic acid, N-acetylperosamine, N-acetylquinovosamine, perosamine, pseudaminic acid, rhamnose, talose) Proteins (Alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, asparagine, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, valine) Lipids (Fatty acyls, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, polyketides, prenol lipids, saccharolipids, sphingolipids, sterol lipids) Metabolome (components) Metallome Complex (components of Lipidome Secondary bioelemental Proteome systems, Genome �omes�) Transcriptome ( Bioelement is not a chemical element inside a molecular compound, but it is temporarily formed biocomplex, where the chemical element is bound by covalent (chelate) bond to the organic molecule. They should not be considered separately, because, interacting, together they produce biological effect of new quality [9]. Bioelements including essential trace elements (enzymatic bioelements) can continuously form from ionic compounds when they enter the cell. Inside the cell, biopolymers and their complexes create a complicated, coordinated and regulated system for transformation of substances. Cell is the main place of natural birth of secondary bioelements and their destruction. Biosphere is an assembly of bioelements and living organisms existing under permanent regulatory influence of physico-chemical factors of terrestrial and cosmic origin [4, 5]. The scientific discipline, which study bioelements, is proposed to be called bioelementology [5]. This discipline could lay the foundation for the integration of bioorganic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and other parts of life sciences [5, 9]. Therefore, the cell is considered as the smallest quantum of life, which, for managing its internal parameters and performing cell-cell interactions, use information, energy and substances, including bioelements, obtaining them from the environment. Bioelement is still a substance, whereas a cell (organism) is already a being [4, 5]. In our opinion (Figure 1), bioelements are precursors of the living matter, a successful combination of which, particularly of polymer-ion reactions running autocatalytically, led to the formation of cells. In the recent years, along with the evolution of our knowledge and understanding of bioelements, the definitions of bioelementology evolved [3-4, 11]. Currently, we suppose that the most appropriate Afterwords 215 definition of bioelementology is the following: �Bioelementology a fundamental discipline studying the transition state of the matter (evolution from biologically inert to living), formation and change of bioelements, which are vital or conditionally essential for the living matter, under the influence of various physical interactions and matrix effect of water. Skalny [5]) Our opinion is that the bioelementology combines the systemic and integrative approaches in life science and is a possible precursor to systemic biology [5].


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Communication Disorders Can be subdivided into expressive language disorders 50mg clomid overnight delivery women's health uterus problems, mixed receptive expressive language disorders discount clomid 25mg women's health issues in sri lanka, pragmatic language disorders purchase cheapest clomid and clomid breast cancer 7mm, and speech production disorders. Differential diagnosis includes the previous disorders, as well as intellectual disability, hearing loss, and autism or autism spectrum disorder. It instead advocates an individualized approach that addresses specifc limitations in capabilities and functioning. Autism: Essential features are impaired social interaction and communication and a restricted group of activities and interests, with stereotyped behaviors, rituals, or mannerisms. A large proportion of autistic children function in the range of intellectual disability. Siblings of children with autism appear to be at greater risk and males are disproportionately affected. Asperger disorder: Characterized by impairment in social interactions and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior with no general delay in language, cognition, or attainment of self-help skills. A neurobehavioral disorder characterized by inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, that are more frequent and severe than typically observed in children of the same developmental age. Symptoms must persist for at least 6 months, occur before age 7 years, and be evident in two or more settings. Proper diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment are paramount to ensuring academic, behavioral, emotional, and social function. Diagnosis is made using history, observation, and behavioral checklists such as the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale. Lisdexamfetamine May have increased side effects in regards to sleep and appetite. Methylphenidate Focalin, Methylin, Short-acting Short-acting stimulants often Ritalin used for initial treatment for younger children. Often used when inhibitor there are signifcant side effects with stimulants or in setting of substance abuse. Practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with attention-defcit/hyperactivity disorder. If there is an unremarkable medical history current recommendations say that no laboratory or neurological evaluations need to be done. Overview Screening for mental health issues should occur at all routine well-child visits from early childhood through adolescence, including history of mood symptoms and any behavioral issues. It screens for a broad array of mental health disorders, including conduct disorders, attention disorders, depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorders. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues that presents in the general pediatric setting. Pediatric patients with anxiety often present with nonspecifc and/or chronic pain or other somatic complaints 2. Psychotherapy is often the initial treatment, in particular exposure based cognitive-behavioral therapy has the most empirical support for treatment of anxiety disorders in pediatric patients. Major depression is defned as 5 or more depressive symptoms for at least 2 weeks, with those symptoms causing signifcant impairment in functioning. Also symptoms are not due to effects of substance use or a medical condition, and there is no history of manic episodes. Depressive symptoms include depressed or irritable mood (adolescents more likely to manifest as irritable mood compared to adults), anhedonia, change in appetite or weight, change in sleep (hypersomnia or insomnia), psychomotor slowing or restlessness, fatigue, decreased concentration, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide10 2. It is a 20-item self-report questionnaire that screens for depressive symptoms and can be found at. This initial evaluation must include an assessment of thoughts/plans of self-harm or harm to others Chapter 9 Development, Behavior, and Mental Health 241 3. Treatment of depression may be initiated in the primary care setting or may require referral depending on severity. Bipolar disorder type I (relatively rare in the pediatric population) is defned by a manic episode of at least 7 days, with symptoms such as elevated mood, grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, rapid speech, racing thoughts, agitation, distractibility, increased spending, risky behaviors, and possibly hallucinations or delusions (although these are rare). Bipolar generally presents in young adulthood, and there is currently some controversy surrounding the diagnosis of childhood or juvenile bipolar disorder12 2.

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