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By: Karen Patton Alexander, MD

  • Professor of Medicine
  • Member in the Duke Clinical Research Institute

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Tere is no doubt that in contemporary confict purchase suhagra with visa erectile dysfunction pills online, an ofensive campaign stands a far greater chance of success if air power is available to discount suhagra 100 mg mastercard loss of erectile dysfunction causes be used optimally buy cheap suhagra 100 mg online erectile dysfunction over 75. Sun Tzu’s axioms can be interpreted at two levels of the application of air power, one that remains at the strategic level and the other that dips down into the operational level of the conduct 420 Decisive Trusts of an ofensive campaign. At the strategic level, air power can be used as an efective deterrent capability, especially if being employed within the larger whole-of-nation security strategy. Further, air power has the inherent capability to control the tempo and direction of a confict, provided its employment is controlled at the strategic level by commanders who are professional masters. At the operational level, air power is critical to swift victory, one of the more important axioms that Sun Tzu advocates a number of times in the treatise. The benign capabilities of air power, such as airlift and surveillance, will be able to shape the battlespace efectively, but to achieve unequivocal victory it is necessary to apply lethal force, with discrimination, proportionality and accuracy. Air power is ideally suited to achieving this, with the added capability to attack prioritised centres of gravity of the adversary in parallel. Ofensive air campaigns are best controlled at the strategic level of command and executed at the appropriate lower level. Sun Tzu’s advice in this chapter translates to one of the fundamental tenets of the employment of air power that has stood the test of time—centralised control and decentralised execution. In this chapter Sun Tzu has the most humanitarian approach to warfare as compared to all the other chapters in the entire treatise, in that he describes how intelligence can be used to avoid costly military mistakes that would otherwise result in great human sufering. Sun Tzu demonstrated the importance of intelligence to victory in battle by emphasising that the greatest rewards and the most generous support should be given to the elements involved in intelligence gathering. He also stated that brilliant leaders will be able to coordinate and use intelligence sources in such a way as to provide them with clear and unbroken information The Art of Air Power regarding the prevailing situation at all times, both in war and peace. A well-planned and skilfully executed intelligence gathering and dissemination strategy is vital to the success of a military campaign. It is essential to know the factors that drive the adversary strategy and the direction they are likely to take in a confict in order to formulate one’s own strategies. Information regarding the adversary, their past experiences and future aspirations, must be located, collected and placed in context, so that their manoeuvres—military and others—can be analysed and understood in their entirety. This is the optimum way to develop one’s own strategy for victory in a confrontation with a particular adversary. Sun Tzu recognised the importance of intelligence, especially advance information that he called foreknowledge, in avoiding being surprised in confict, which is the real enemy in confrontations. At the same time, by keeping one’s own strategy carefully concealed, away from the adversary’s intelligence network, one can create an element of surprise for the adversary. In this chapter Sun Tzu ofers a pragmatic opinion regarding the need for accurate information while denigrating the use of superstitious or mystical methods of prediction as opposed to basing it on realistic, reliable data. Considering the period when the treatise was written, this is a remarkably modern attitude. Since human intelligence was the primary means of gathering information in ancient times, the chapter actually highlights its importance in the context of campaigns of the time. Although some analysts subscribe to the viewpoint that this chapter was added at a later stage after the main treatise was completed, there is no evidence to support it or to indicate that Sun Tzu himself did not write the chapter. The style and the breakdown of the contents of the chapter are the same as the other chapters and it is felt that this chapter forms an integral part of Sun Tzu’s Art of War. In the translation of the stanzas of the chapter, reproduced below, the term ‘intelligence’ has been used instead of the word ‘spy’ that some other translations and interpretations use, in order to bring them to a contemporary context. This is more so since in the contemporary environment the majority of intelligence is gathered by means other than physical human collection. Currently there is a pervasive feeling that this move away from human intelligence or ‘humint’ has led to the lowering of the assurance level regarding the accuracy of information that is gathered. However, in contemporary security situations, a balanced combination of technological methods and humint may be the optimum way forward to ensuring information superiority. During the interwar period from 1919 to 1939, France formulated a weak and vulnerable strategy of forward defense, driven by her obsession with the methodical battle technique perfected at the end of World War I. On 10 May 1940, the world watched with horror as Germany, with far fewer resources, successfully invaded the Low Countries and Northern France. Germany had made the right strategic choices; her blitzkrieg concept of warfghting took full advantage of the mechanization of warfare. While France was mired in an older strategy, Germany was energized by emerging technology to develop a bold ofensive strategy.

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