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By: Joshua Apte PhD

  • Assistant Professor
  • Environmental Health Sciences

Rumours that Jameson had participated in the cannibal killing of a young girl put him at the centre of a national scandal generic prinivil 2.5 mg without prescription hypertension recommendations. His account of the episode was published by his widow who wanted to buy discount prinivil heart attack mayo clinic clear his name (Jameson died in Africa in 1888) but it showed that he was at least to order 10 mg prinivil with visa arrhythmia alcohol blame for commissioning the murder through a bet he had not thought would be accepted. Jameson�s haunting and repulsive narrative charts the of cers� violence, the capture of local women in exchange for food, the monotony and despair of existence in the Yambuya camp where Stanley left his �rear guard� for over a year, and the death of scores of men through hunger and sickness. The �cannibal� episode occurs when Jameson, who has been credulous of cannibalism throughout, responds to slaver Tippoo-Tib�s stories by telling him that �people at home generally believed that these were only �travellers� tales,�. Although the killing of the girl is described in horrifying detail, the act of cannibalism is not. Horrors perpetrated by agents and soldiers of the Congo Free State were documented by its opponents using information gained from travels. In1908 the Belgian Parliament voted an annexation treaty and the Congo Free State became the Belgian Congo. Black African-American missionaries, notably George Washington Williams and William Henry Sheppard, also reported on the cruelties. True, African missionaries wrote reports and it would be wrong to suggest they were somehow less African for it,21 but the porters who accompanied European explorers were generally known to the outside world only through their employers� accounts and the views of those through whose countries the explorers passed usually went unheard in Britain. The labour for many of the European-led expeditions had been sup plied by Zanzibar Arabs, a number of whom appear in narratives by more than one explorer. Their perspectives are never given, however, and they are depicted only for their qualities of service. Indeed, Arab competition for the wealth of Central Africa around the great lakes contributed to Europeans� negative portrayal of Arabs as slavers, which helped Leopold adopt the cloak of humanitarianism. Yet for all their biases, the writings of explorers and travellers offer a record of Central African society that scholars (black African as well as white) have found useful. Missionaries made important studies of African languages, among them William Holman Bentley�s Dictionary and Grammar of the Kongo Language. These were usually designed to promote Chris tianity through translations of the Bible, and Bentley�s attitude is obvious � �the whole country lay in the power of the evil one�, he proclaims22 � but they have proved a helpful resource to anthropologists and ethnolinguists studying the migrations and relationships of African peoples. Prominent European artists including Picasso, Matisse, and Leger drew on � many would say exploited � African forms and thought. Com parison of (white) Vachel Lindsay�s poem �The Congo: A Study of the Negro Race� (composed in 1913; published in 1917) with Langston Hughes�s poems �The Negro Speaks of Rivers� (1921) and �Danse Africaine� (1922/1926) illustrates this nicely. These strains are also evident in the work of (white) South African artist Irma Stern, who published in 1943 a short illustrated journal of the rst of three trips to the Congo. She tells the �King of the Bakubas� that she wishes �to show your people�s work with my pictures, so that the white people in my country may learn what beautiful things the black man in the Congo creates�. Many of Stern�s paintings challenge racist stereotypes by emphasising the humanity of the Congolese. Stern�s beautiful paintings, in uenced by expressionism and impressionism, 165 tim youngs interpose modern artistic movements between observer and observed, but the new conventions look contrived now and the gracefulness forced. Johnson�s announcement that he and Osa were determined to � nd these primitive people living their natural lives, untouched by the in uence of civilization and the world of modern man�,25 suggests a romantic turn away from modernity, despite their transportation of it in the form of their movie machinery. A shift in attitudes towards those previously regarded as savage is evident in anthropologist Colin Turnbull�s the Forest People (1961). Stanley had included some ethnographic description of the pygmies in In Darkest Africa but had also felt able to describe a pygmy woman as �characteristic of the link long sought between the average modern humanity and its Darwinian pro genitors� (p. Drawing lessons from his eldwork among the BaMbuti (pygmy) people of the Ituri forest, among whom he hears tales of the �dread ful wars� and the �trail of destruction that Stanley left behind him� (p. It has to do with the people�s harmonious and loving relationship with their environment which they feel is threatened by the outside world. Vanishing is also a concern in primatologist Dian Fossey�s Gorillas in the Mist (1983), the result of many years observing � and trying to protect from poachers, who would later murder her � these creatures from her base in Rwanda. More important to her than her own travels are those of the gorillas themselves which Fossey is at pains to record. While Zaire grew poorer after the fall in price of copper in 1973, Mobutu grew richer until his personal fortune was estimated at ve billion dollars.

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Contemporary guidelines for orthodontic extraction in the best way to purchase prinivil australia blood pressure chart to keep track correct a jaw discrepancy would be to prinivil 5 mg visa blood pressure jnc 8 get Class I crowding and/or protrusion can be summarized as the patient to cheap prinivil 5 mg arteria costa rica grow out of it. Because the pattern of facial follows: growth is established early in life and rarely changes signif � Less than 4 mm arch length discrepancy: extraction icantly (see Chapter 2), this is unlikely without treatment. The answers are almost � Arch length discrepancy 5 to 9 mm: non-extraction as controversial as extraction-non-extraction. The extraction/non tion of this chapter immediately below, growth modifica extraction decision depends on both the hard and tion possibilities and the timing of treatment for the most soft-tissue characteristics of the patient and on how frequent types of skeletal problems are reviewed. Addi the final position of the incisors will be controlled; tional information on methods for early treatment of these any of several different teeth could be chosen for ex problems is presented in Chapter 15. Non-extraction treatment usually requires transverse expansion across the molars and premolars. Transverse Maxillary Deficiency � Arch length discrepancy 10 mm or more: extraction Narrow skeletal width of the maxilla is indicated by narrow almost always required to obtain enough space. This is one of extraction choice is four first premolars or perhaps the few jaw dimensions that can be assessed accurately from upper first premolars and mandibular lateral in dental casts. Remember that a narrow maxillary dental arch cisors; second premolar or molar extraction rarely is may or may not reflect narrow skeletal dimensions. Maxillary deficiency in the transverse plane of space this aspect of the extraction-non-extraction decision is may occur in children with otherwise normal jaw propor discussed further in Chapter 14, as it applies to preadolescent tions, but often it accompanies excessive vertical develop (mixed dentition) children with severe crowding problems. Transverse deficiency accompanying anteroposterior or vertical problems is discussed under those headings. It is appropriate to discuss maxillary deficiency at the beginning of this discussion of skeletal problems because of its relationship to the extraction-non-extraction deci sion that was just reviewed. In a child with dental crowd ing, a diagnosis of deficient maxillary width can become a convenient rationale for enough transverse expansion to align the teeth. Some efforts have been made in the past to calculate what the width of the maxilla ought to be, based on the size of the teeth. In young adult life, he has experi logic that function would somehow make the bone grow enced gingival recession after developing gingivitis and early peri around the teeth. Note the root exposure of the maxillary first molar, Widening the maxillary dental arch may or may not be which probably is related to the sutural expansion treatment. After demonstration of its potential in tainly should not become a routine response to an inter experimental animals, the method was reintroduced in the molar distance that is less than the population average. United States in the early 1960s 14 and has been widely If the maxilla is narrow relative to the rest of the face, used since. Growth in width of the jaws and nosis of transverse maxillary deficiency is justified and face is completed before anteroposterior and vertical growth, skeletal expansion probably is appropriate. If formation of and usually is complete at about the time of the adolescent bone really can be stimulated by separating sutures, as cur growth spurt. Like all craniofacial sutures, the mid-palatal rent theory suggests (see Chapter 2), opening up the mid suture becomes more tortuous and interdigitated with in palatal suture should provide a way to widen a narrow creasing age (see Figure 9-17). This is in fact the case: new bone can be induced (a lingual arch, for example) will tend to separate the mid to form in the palate by separation of the mid-palatal palatal suture in addition to moving the molar teeth in a child suture, which can be done conveniently by placing heavy up to age nine or ten. By adolescence, relatively heavy force force across the maxillary dental arch (Figure 8-14). Like from a rigid jackscrew device is needed to separate the par extraoral force to the maxilla, this method was known in tially interlocked suture. After adolescence, there is an in the late 1800s, but was abandoned as unnecessary and po creasing chance with advancing age that bone spicules will have interlocked the suture to such an extent that skeletal ex pansion becomes impossible. Opening the suture for pa 15 tients in their twenties is unlikely but not impossible. Expansion across the suture can be done in two ways: (1) rapid expansion, the original (1960s) method; and (2) slow expansion at the rate of approximately 1 mm per week, the method advocated more recently. When force is applied across the maxillary dental arch, some tooth movement occurs but the two halves of the maxilla separate, widening the mid-palatal suture and leading to bone appo sition. Compensatory adjustments also occur at the lateral maxillary and frontonasal sutures. It is important to realize that heavy force and rapid expansion should not be used in preschool children because of the risk of producing unde sirable changes in the nose at that age (Figure 8-15). One goal of growth modification always is to maximize the skeletal changes and minimize the dental changes pro duced by treatment.

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The small number of rabies cases in the United States undoubtedly contributes to cheap prinivil online amex blood pressure medication enalapril side effects the lack of clinical suspicion by the physician order prinivil cheap online heart attack zine, but it is important to discount prinivil amex blood pressure lab remember that any patient presenting with encephalopathy of unknown cause should be considered to potentially have rabies, even in the absence of known exposure to the virus through animal bites. The validity of this statement is further justified by noting that 12 of the 32 deaths (37. As a further reminder of the importance of clinical suspicion for pediatricians, a 1990 study showed that animal bites were the fourth leading cause of accidents in children 9 years old or less. As rabies is a uniformly fatal disease once the symptomatic stage of the disease has developed, it is important to provide pre exposure, and if necessary, post-exposure prophylaxis for patients. After discovering the transmissibility of rabies by nervous tissue inoculation, Pasteur determined that passage of the virus from dogs to monkeys attenuated the virus, while transmission from rabbit to rabbit increased the virulence of the strains. By utilizing his attenuated strain on 9 year old Joseph Meister, he was able to attain "the happy outcome" now known to all. On the other hand, rabies vaccine creates an active immune response that takes 7-10 days to produce, and lasts for 2 or more years. Should immunosuppressed individuals become exposed to rabies, they should be treated as indicated, and titers should be taken to confirm development of rabies antibodies. Booster doses of the vaccine may be given every 2 years if the antibody titers in the patient are decreased. Treatment of persons known to be exposed to rabies is threefold: First, there should be an immediate and thorough cleansing of the wound with soap and water. If virucidal agents such as povidone-iodine are available, they should be used for irrigation. The efficacy of the recommended prophylaxis is evidenced by the fact that of the millions of doses administered worldwide, there have been only 13 reported failures, and all of the failures have been associated with deviation from the recommended treatment protocol. The rate of systemic allergic reaction to the rabies vaccine is approximately 11 per 10,000 vaccinations, which has resulted in a few hospitalizations, but no deaths. Additionally, rabies prophylaxis is recommended that persons traveling (for more than 30 days) into areas where rabies is endemic and medical care is limited. It is also recommended that even immunosuppressed patients receive prophylaxis if exposed to rabies. While pre-exposure prophylaxis is recommended, it is important to note that it does not negate the need for post-exposure. Far more effective than medical prophylaxis are the recommendations of the national working group on prevention and control of rabies in the United States. Report any animals that are acting sick or strange to local animal control authorities. Since the prognosis for patients displaying symptoms of rabies infection is invariably fatal, it is of the greatest importance for all possible measures to be taken to avoid the transmission of rabies, both through the application of animal vaccination and public health awareness. It is also vital for physicians to recognize individuals at risk for rabies exposure and treat them with both pre and post-exposure prophylaxis. Which of the following would provide the best method for ante-mortem diagnosis of rabies in a human. True/False: Inoculation of rabies from animal to human requires a physical animal-human contact. In which of the following cases would post-exposure rabies prophylaxis be appropriate (select all appropriate): a. Which animal is most likely to transmit rabies to humans by mere contact (as opposed to a bite). Appropriateness of Rabies Postexposure Prophylaxis Treatment for Animal Exposures. Correlation of Clinical and Neuroimaging Findings In a Case of Rabies Encephalitis. Recommendations of a national working group on prevention and control of rabies in the United States. He was diagnosed with a "viral syndrome" and given instructions for home symptomatic care. He is now in the emergency department with a rash that started on his hands and feet, spreading up his arms and legs.

