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By: Ian A. Reid PhD

  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco

Other differences in the presenting symptoms for the older adult experiencing depression are as follows: older adults are likely to purchase actos in united states online diabetes prevention in schools accept their “unhappiness” and direct inquiry about their mood may lead only to purchase 15mg actos with visa diabetes fact sheet such replies as “No cheap 30mg actos amex blood sugar log, I have nothing to be depressed about. The Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research (1993) states that this interaction with the client is the basis for including symptoms specific to depression, with the subsequent use of specific tools to augment the diagnosis, as a valuable addition. It is stressed that screening tools can augment, but not replace a comprehensive “head to toe” nursing assessment. Further, the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (1998) reports that these standardized measures do provide valuable baseline data, and can assist in monitoring of response to intervention. Screening for Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults the tools outlined in this guideline are as follows, and are also summarized in “The Assessment Tool Reference Guide” (Appendix C). There is currently no single mental status test that has demonstrated superiority (Costa et al. On reviewing the established reliability and validity of a tool/guideline, the clinician should choose the instrument best suited to their clinical practice and that will best augment their assessment. To date there are about fifteen original scoring systems for the clock drawing test (Heinik, Solomesh, Shein & Becker, 2002). The decline in clock-drawing performance over the dementia process has been studied by several authors. The correlation between different clock drawing tests and the variables such as demographic, cognitive and activities of daily living is not ubiquitous and it changes with the dementia severity. Although both conditions are hallmarked by global disturbance in cognition, delirium is distinguished from dementia by: disruption of consciousness and attention; clinical course; development over a short period of time; and fluctuation through the course of the day (Costa et al. Cornell Scale for Depression Depression screening in persons suspected of dementia should include information from the client and caregiver, as well as the nurse’s observation of symptoms. The Cornell Scale for Depression (see Appendix J) requires an assessment interview by a clinician obtaining information from both the client and the informant. The interpretation of this clinical and quantitative assessment data is complicated by several factors, including the client’s age, premorbid intelligence, education level, cultural background, psychiatric illness, sensory deficits and comorbid conditions. The development panel suggests that nurses refer to the discussion of the specific assessment tools to determine when tools are/are not appropriate for a particular client. The development panel suggests that the referral process should include a careful evaluation for a general medical, psychiatric or psychosocial problem that may underlie the disturbance. Clinicians should bear in mind that the elderly and clients with dementia in general, are at high risk for delirium associated with medical problems, medications and surgery. For a listing of medications that may cause cognitive impairments, see Appendix N. An urgent medical referral is recommended if the nurse has a high index of suspicion that the client has depression, because of the higher risk of morbidity and mortality (Foreman et al. The New Zealand Guidelines Group (1998) also reports that suicidal thoughts and behaviour are closely associated with mental illness, and the evaluation of such symptoms should always include a full psychiatric assessment, usually by an appropriately trained team of mental health professionals. Several articles agree that while predicting suicide risk in an individual is difficult, there are certain factors that have been associated with a greater potential for suicide. Screening for Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults Education Recommendations Recommendation. Specifically, organizations must provide professional development opportunities for nurses that are tailored to individual and group learning styles. Nursing Best Practice Guideline Organization & Policy Recommendations Recommendation. Organizations may wish to develop a plan for implementation that includes: An assessment of organizational readiness and barriers to education. Involvement of all members (whether in a direct or indirect supportive function) 37 who will contribute to the implementation process. Opportunities for reflection on personal and organizational experience in implementing guidelines. Screening for Delirium, Dementia and Depression in Older Adults Indicator Structure Process Outcome Objectives. To evaluate the impact available in the organization practice that lead towards of implementing the that allow for nurses to appropriate use of screening recommendations. Orientation program recommendations by documentation systems that inclusion of delirium, organizational committee(s) encourage documentation of dementia and depression responsible for policies or clinical assessment of delirium. Percentage of clients seen or admitted to unit/facility with identified with delirium, on waiting list to be seen for mental health problems. Nursing Best Practice Guideline Implementation Tips this best practice guideline was pilot tested at three teaching hospitals, in seven clinical settings, in Toronto, Ontario with an in-patient population.

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